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Mystery voices of children singing and dolls at home Angeline

Four days after the discovery of the body of Angeline (8 years old) at home in Jalan Tuberose, Denpasar, Bali, many strange events experienced by a number of police officers stand guard at night. According to them, odd things that one of them is a matter of the child's voice singing.

Since the discovery of the bodies of Angeline on Wednesday (10/6), the traffic situation in Jalan Tuberose is always jammed. Especially at noon until late afternoon. The new street was deserted at around 02.00 pm.
"Around 2 pm until the morning had started rather quiet. If the quiet once at 4 am to 6 am. It is no longer anyone who comes," said a police officer who claimed the rank of Brigadier had a night watch at home Angeline, Sunday (14/6).
According to him, many felt strange occurrences in the house when things started to quiet. It was, he said, occurred on the second night after Angeline's body was found. Around 04.00 pm, the streets downright deserted. There is not even a single one of the vehicles. According to police this beefy, her hair suddenly shudder when hearing loud flowing river water. He thinks there is a flood. But when the river turned to the front of the house Angeline, just calm water does not flow.
"Initially loud sound of water flowing in the river got big scars. I see the water is calm and the sound of the water is gone," he said.
Later, the police claimed to sit for a while as he lit a cigarette and had said, "Son, never mind, ihklaskan this path. Om only guard duty."
After saying that, the police heard the faint sound of small children were singing from inside the house. He believes the source of the noise was from inside the house, where Angeline was killed. He did not know what song is sung. He's just trying to divert attention by talking with other fellow policemen.
"We keep only two of the pack. When I heard little boy singing, I ignored it," he said.
However, that makes him a little shocked and overcome with fear is when he saw one doll given by the citizens in a pile of flowers, suddenly move itself. It was also recognized by his colleagues. He also heard the children were jumping up and down.
"When the doll move, I then immediately creeps. As rigid, baseball can move," he added.
After the incident, the police was admitted while sleeping at home, he dreamed Angeline. According to him, the boy just wanted to apologize. In the dream, too, Angeline according to him trying to give cues indicate there are four killers. Namely by showing four little finger in his right hand.